Sunday, February 3, 2013

Religious Education

Religious Education

Not only am I a first grade teacher, but I also volunteer my time to teach Sacramental Preparation to our communities 2nd graders. We have completed our reconciliation and now we are moving onto preparing for receiving Eucharist. This week we focused on using the bible. As many of us "cradle Catholics" know, we don't always have the best understanding of the bible, none the less how to use it. So using a resource I received as part of my Catechesis training last summer, I created reference bookmarks for the bible. Not only did they help the kids, the parents found them really helpful, and even said "hey, I get it now!"

Here is what is looks like. The pink is the Old Testament and the blue are the New Testament. Easy to use right?

The Eucharist classes are just as much for the parents as it is for the kids. If the parents understand these topics then they can better explain them to their kids in the future. Because we all know that PARENTS are the first religious educators of their children.  

Below you can see the bookmarks I created. I am selling them for a very reasonable price of $1. If you are in my Sacramental Prep class, I am will to get them to you for free, just send me an email. 

Buy a digital copy by clicking the link...

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